Medication Nursing Assistant (MNA) Program
药物护理助理(MNA)计划将准备合格的执业护理助理(LNA)作为注册护士/执业护士的可信赖的护理伙伴,为长期护理机构中稳定的客户管理药物. 课程的范围涵盖了药物管理的所有基本原则和技术,包括对常用药物的概述, their effects and side effects, and key safety issues that include medication interactions, common errors, over-the-counter medications, and medication use in older adults. 本课程将在课堂上进行40小时的理论学习,并在经批准的临床机构进行40小时的临床学习.
The main topics will include:
- The professional role of the MNA,
- Medical ethics and laws,
- 感染控制和用药安全;
- 基本药理学和常用药物用于广泛的医疗条件.
Student Eligibility
- 持有由护理委员会颁发的有效的无阻碍护理助理执照;
- 在过去五年内,作为LNA工作了整整两年(4160小时);
- 具有良好的数学和英语能力,并通过护理数学水平测试和英语测试,通过率达80%,
- Has not been convicted of a felony,
- Pass a 12 panel drug test,
- Comply with RVCC’s application procedures,
- Comply with RVCC’s tuition requirements.
Enrollment Requirements
Eligible students shall complete the following:
- Application for the MNA Program Admission,
- Provide a copy of resume,
- Provide a copy of LNA license,
- 提供当前的基本生命支持证书(BLS)副本*,
- Proof of working as an LNA for two years,
- 一篇解释渴望精通药物管理的文章,
- Two – character references from nurse managers, 或董事代表雇员确认申请人的诚实, integrity, compassion, and enthusiasm for nursing-related activities,
- Criminal History Background Check form found through the NH State Police ($25.00 fee assessed by the State of New Hampshire; Notary Required),
- 长者及成人服务局(BEAS)注册处同意表格
- 12 Panel Drug Test (estimated fee of $50 – $75). 一旦申请文件完成并提交,将与RVCC确定地点。
- 通过数学和英语水平测试,成绩达到80%或以上.
*Obtaining your AHA Basic Life Support CPR Certificate. 医疗保健提供者基本生命支持-美国心脏协会BLS为所有RVCC学生免费提供. The web-based program is through RQI 1 Stop. 学生需要完成课程的在线教学部分, 然后来RVCC完成项目的人体模型部分.
Other in-state options:
MNA(药物护理助理)课程是80小时, 非学分课程,证明那些已经完成该计划的人有资格作为MNA工作. The course consists of:
- 40 hours of classroom theory and skills,
- 40小时门诊(在沙利文县养老院举行).
Classroom Theory (River Valley-Claremont)
Fall Semester MNA Class: 2024 Claremont
Tues 10/1 3pm-8pm (with Orientation)
Wed 10/2 3pm-8pm
Mon 10/7 Wed 10/9 3pm-8pm
Mon 10/14 Wed 10/16 3pm-8pm
Clinicals: Sullivan County Nursing Home
5 Nursing Home Dr., Claremont, NH 03743
9:00AM – 4:30PM
Mon 10/21 and Wed 10/23
Mon 10/28 and Wed 10/30
Mon 11/4 and Wed 11/6
Mon 11/11 and Wed 11/13
Tuition: $1,800.00
Criminal Background Check: $25.00 ($25.00 fee assessed by the State of NH; Notary Required)
Drug Test: $50.00-$70.00 (estimated cost)
Textbook: Gauwitz, D.F. (2020). 为医疗保健专业人员管理药物药理学 (9th edition). New York, New York: McGraw Hill Education. ISBN 978-1-259-92817-8
Sources of Financial Aid
Tuition Assistance
RVCC MNA项目的申请人可能有资格获得高达6,500美元的奖金.00 in tuition assistance through the WIOA program.
All NH Residents – please be sure to reach out for this WIOA assistance. 有关注册过程的信息,并安排与SNHS职业导航员的会议, please call 603-647-4470 ext. 8047 or email [email protected]
How to Apply:
- To schedule a meeting with a WIOA Employment Counselor, 请于周一至周五上午8:00至下午4:30致电您当地的NH工厂办公室. WIOA服务在全州所有十二个NH Works办事处提供.
Vermont Residents – VSCA’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)辅导员可以帮助你设定你的教育目标, access college and career training services, 探索财政援助的选择,并填写财政援助申请. To schedule an appointment, you can email Ran Wang at [email protected] or call 877-961-4369 to set up a time to talk with an EOC counselor.
RVCC MNA项目的目标是培养学生:
- 积极、可靠、熟练地参与医疗团队的推广工作. maintenance, and restoration of health,
- 在准确执行工作职能的过程中,始终坚持新罕布什尔护理委员会对MNA药物管理的规定.
- 在帮助客户保持独立性和生活质量的同时,表现出专业精神和对患者的保密.
Learning Goals
- 使用与患者接受或拒绝药物相关的信息,
- 解释新罕布什尔州有关护理和护理相关活动的法律法规;
- Relate anatomy and physiology to medication administration,
- 应用与药物管理有关的感染控制原则和无菌程序,
- 熟练使用评估设备和方法, monitoring, and reporting equipment malfunctions,
- 在正确的时间对正确的稳定病人实行正确的给药和剂量控制方法,
- 对病情稳定的病人列出给药方法;
- 总结并妥善记录常见的药物反应,
- Describe quality management related to storage, disposal, security, recording, and error control pertinent to medications,
- 记录药物的管理、储存和处置;
- Show proper medication reconciliation procedures,
- State the security protocols for supplies of medications,
- 辨别药物管理中的错误,并将其影响转化为患者护理,
- 培养与客户和医护人员的专业沟通技巧;
- 通过以下方法实践准确和安全的给药:
- Topical,
- Oral,
- Nasal,
- Ocular,
- Auricular,
- Vaginal,
- Rectal,
- Enteral tubes,
- Injections,
- Pre-set or pre-drawn insulin deliver device,
- 肾上腺素从一个标记和预先设置或预先绘制的输送装置.
- 表现出一个有执照的护理助理所应有的行为和表现.